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Introduced or updated: v1.2.38

Databend supports common table expressions (CTEs) with a WITH clause, allowing you to define one or multiple named temporary result sets used by the following query. The term "temporary" implies that the result sets are not permanently stored in the database schema. They act as temporary views only accessible to the following query.

When a query with a WITH clause is executed, the CTEs within the WITH clause are evaluated and executed first. This produces one or multiple temporary result sets. Then the query is executed using the temporary result sets that were produced by the WITH clause.

This is a simple demonstration that helps you understand how CTEs work in a query: The WITH clause defines a CTE and produces a result set that holds all customers who are from the Québec province. The main query filters the customers who live in the Montréal region from the ones in the Québec province.

WITH customers_in_quebec 
AS (SELECT customername,
FROM customers
WHERE province = 'Québec')
SELECT customername
FROM customers_in_quebec
WHERE city = 'Montréal'
ORDER BY customername;

CTEs simplify complex queries that use subqueries and make your code easier to read and maintain. The preceding example would be like this without using a CTE:

SELECT customername 
FROM (SELECT customername,
FROM customers
WHERE province = 'Québec')
WHERE city = 'Montréal'
ORDER BY customername;

Inline or Materialized?

When using a CTE in a query, you can control whether the CTE is inline or materialized by using the MATERIALIZED keyword. Inlining means the CTE's definition is directly embedded within the main query, while materializing the CTE means calculating its result once and storing it in memory, reducing repetitive CTE execution.

Suppose we have a table called orders, storing customer order information, including order number, customer ID, and order date.

In this query, the CTE customer_orders will be inlined during query execution. Databend will directly embed the definition of customer_orders within the main query.

WITH customer_orders AS (
SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) AS order_count
FROM orders
GROUP BY customer_id
SELECT co1.customer_id, co1.order_count, co2.order_count AS other_order_count
FROM customer_orders co1
JOIN customer_orders co2 ON co1.customer_id = co2.customer_id
WHERE co1.order_count > 2
AND co2.order_count > 5;


<cte_name1> [ ( <cte_column_list> ) ] AS [MATERIALIZED] ( SELECT ... )
[ , <cte_name2> [ ( <cte_column_list> ) ] AS [MATERIALIZED] ( SELECT ... ) ]
[ , <cte_nameN> [ ( <cte_column_list> ) ] AS [MATERIALIZED] ( SELECT ... ) ]
WITHInitiates the WITH clause.
cte_name1 ... cte_nameNThe CTE names. When you have multiple CTEs, separate them with commas.
cte_column_listThe names of the columns in the CTE. A CTE can refer to any CTEs in the same WITH clause that are defined before.
MATERIALIZED"Materialized" is an optional keyword used when defining CTEs to indicate whether the CTE should be materialized.
SELECT ...CTEs are mainly used with the SELECT statement.


Imagine you manage several bookstores located in different regions of the GTA area, and use a table to hold their store IDs, regions, and the trading volume for the last month.

storeid INTEGER,
region TEXT,
amount INTEGER

INSERT INTO sales VALUES (1, 'North York', 12800);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (2, 'Downtown', 28400);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (3, 'Markham', 6720);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (4, 'Mississauga', 4990);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (5, 'Downtown', 5670);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (6, 'Markham', 4350);
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (7, 'North York', 2490);

The following code returns the stores with a trading volume lower than the average:

-- Define a WITH clause including one CTE
WITH avg_all
FROM sales)
FROM sales,
WHERE sales.amount < avg_sales;


7|North York|2490|9345.71428571429

The following code returns the average and total volume of each region:

-- Define a WITH clause including two CTEs
WITH avg_by_region
AS (SELECT region,
Avg (amount) avg_by_region_value
FROM sales
GROUP BY region),
AS (SELECT region,
Sum(amount) sum_by_region_value
FROM sales
GROUP BY region)
SELECT avg_by_region.region,
FROM avg_by_region,
WHERE avg_by_region.region = sum_by_region.region;


North York|7645.0|15290
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